Perfect Gifts for Perfect Occasions
Science has shown the world that giving gifts to others can actually make humans happier than spending that same money on ourselves. eb&ive fully embraces that message--after all, who doesn't feel great after giving someone the perfect gift? Gift giving makes the whole world happier!
We hear proof of that every day when customers tell us how well their eb&ive gifts were received. The only problem with gifting is, before that happiness there can be a lot of stress in finding the right present ideas.
Finding the Perfect Present Ideas
Finding the perfect gift for someone can be difficult, whether they're a close friend, a family member or a casual acquaintance. From your mother-in-law who insists she doesn't want anything, ("just having you over for the holidays is enough") to a total stranger who is your Secret Santa for the holiday office party that you have nothing in common with (yikes!), there are many potential anxieties when choosing a gift. But it will be okay, because we’re here to help you find the perfect gift for everyone.
At eb&ive we design thoughtful and sophisticated clothing, accessories and household items that make it easy to give gifts gracefully. Through the seasons, we’ve learned a thing or two (or twenty!) about what can make a gift great. This is our step-by-step guide to finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list.
First make a note of all the things that define who they are.
This list should be long, so spend at least a few minutes writing down all the things you can think of that defines who this person is. Of course, the list will vary depending on how well you know them. It could be as vague as "feminine, late 20s, wears pantsuits" for a co-worker you barely know, to "remember that time we melted your sister's My Little Pony doll back in primary school?" for the friend you've known forever.
Once you have a list of what defines their essence, brainstorm an item to go with every thing on that list, big or small. Of course, you're not going to give them all of the gifts on this list. It's just a fun way to come up with some cool ideas that you might not have otherwise thought of, and when you combine one or two of them, the recipient will really be wowed by how thoughtful you were.
They wear classic rock t-shirts and bike to work every morning? Done. Your girlfriend is a closet anime fangirl who loves sweets? Why not get her a luxury velvet kimono and a box of mochi bonbons. The kimono looks cute and funky paired with anime t-shirt, but classy enough to be worn out for drinks with the girls, while the sweets are a thoughtful touch. When you figure out what defines the people on your list, finding the perfect birthday gift or Christmas present idea is that much easier.
Look to the past for inspiration.
Think about special moments you shared with this friend or loved one, and you might have the perfect gift. Make them laugh about an old inside joke, or revel in childhood nostalgia. Maybe someone on your list recently graduated from uni, and you could frame her diploma for display. Or give them with a fun meme or cartoon-inspired birthday present idea.
The past can also be deeply touching. If you remember a friend disclosing a childhood dream of theirs, or how their grandmother had a special wood salad set that always reminds them of home, basing a gift on a sweet, personal memory could bring a tear to their eye.
Don't be afraid to think about what the person needs.
You might have a hard time thinking about it, but hey, everybody needs something. The key is to consider the bigger picture. What are that person's daily needs, dreams, and aspirations? What does a busy, successful businessman need? Time, probably. There are tons of apps and time management products to help people run their lives more efficiently. What about a young chef in training? A housewife who loves to indulge in wine while she paints nature portraits?
There's a reason why gift baskets are so popular. Putting together a collection of themed birthday gifts in a cohesive way, with nice presentation, can be really satisfying. If you're trying to put together agift basket, simply pick one theme or idea, and rather than trying to the one perfect gift to end all gifts. When you decide on a topic theme, you can put together lots of smaller gifts around that topic, even if you fill the basket in with small snacks (hey, everybody loves snacks!). And remember, a gift basket doesn't have to be a basket--you could buy your girlfriend a cute hand bag and tuck face masks, a thriller novel, a candle and a high-end chocolate bar inside!
Do some light stalking.
If all else fails, stalk. If you're participating in a Secret Santa, or you have a withdrawn teenager in the house, you're familiar with this concept. For a co-worker or an acquaintance, take a peek in their cubicle to see what types of things they keep on their desk. Maybe you can look through your friend's Facebook feed--how many people post about stuff they think is awesome? Probably a lot!
If your intended recipient has a Pinterest account, then there's a digital gold mine of all the stuff they like right there, while a quick look at your roommate's Hulu channel can show you what their favourite series are to binge. If you're trying to get the perfect gift for a closed-off teen, a quick peek into their room while they're at school may give you all the clues you need. While you don't want to invade anyone's privacy, it pays to be perceptive. Oftentimes, people broadcast what they like throughout the day, and they'll be touched when you notice.
Make the gift-giving an event to remember.
Get creative with your packaging! Rather than just handing them a gift in regular wrapping paper, turn it into an experience they will enjoy. Build a scavenger hunt around the house that leads to your gift, or sew her present into a giant stuffed shark so she has to do surgery on the toy to get it out. Wrap a small gift inside ten boxes of varying sizes, or wrap a bunch of small gifts individually for fun and unique Christmas present idea.
Now, literally give an experience.
She loves Harry Potter but already has the books and the movies and the movie posters? Then buy her tickets to the theme park! That's a very large present, but you get the idea. One of the most creative, life-changing gifts you can give is an experience to treasure forever. It doesn't have to be expensive--try making a scavenger hunt where you leave clues at your friend's favourite local spots or get an animal-loving child tickets to the zoo!
Make them laugh.
Don’t just give a Kindle. Give your friend a Kindle hidden inside a boring old dictionary. Know someone who adores tangerines? Give her ten bags of them! Give them a funny gag T-shirt or something completely novel.
Give your friend the gift of learning.
Is there something you know they want to learn to do? Help them make it happen! You could give them a kit that helps them learn to play guitar, or a software set to help them learn Mandarin Chinese! Here's a great set of Nicolette notebooks for the aspiring writer in your life! When you help your friend learn a new skill, they'll think of you and the support you showed them.
Make them something from the heart.
Make it personal in a different way—personalised from you! Make them a custom piece of art, write a special song, knit a scarf—you see the idea. Combine a homemade gift with one (or more) of our other suggestions for an ultra-personal gift that will be cherished.
For the foodie friend who has everything, what about these Provence Cheese Forks?
Make it taste good.
Everybody loves a delicious treat, and no one is ever really going to be disappointed by food as a gift. The key is to get them something out of the ordinary, but make sure you know their tastes! You don't want to get your vegan friend some chocolate bacon truffles, but they might love a set of exotic hot sauces. If your friend likes to cook, then get them something they can use in the kitchen.